born in 1957, after training as a banker in Frankfurt and studying at the Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, he initially worked in various areas of international business for a major international bank in Frankfurt.

1992 Takeover of the management of the technical handling of foreign business for the Kassel location and later company support as well as sales responsibility for foreign business in the North and East Hesse region.

In 2003, the step into self-employment took place with the foundation of the consulting company ibs international business solutions.

The focus is on consulting and accompanying medium-sized companies in the implementation of international business projects, employee training and development.

In 2011, ibs Aussenwirtschaftsberatung GmbH was transformed and founded.

In the same year the platform was initiated and founded by Christoph Külzer-Schröder.

The technical focus is the project-related support of export business. Based on more than thirty years of practical professional experience, the companies receive support here from the planning/calculation and offer phase to the realisation of the business. The focus is always on comprehensive risk assessment, analysis and minimisation.

– Long-standing member of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Kassel Chamber of Industry and Commerce.
– ICC- accredited Incoterm®2010 Trainer.
– Accredited consultant at the Hessian Foreign Trade Consulting Program.
– Speaker nationwide at IHKs, associations as well as in credit institutes and companies.
– Author with several book publications as well as numerous publications in technical periodicals.


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